Friday, November 16, 2007

Haggis, food for life.

I don't know if you've ever had anyone like this in your life, but I'm dealing with a certain sort of person right now. I like to call him: Mr. Creepy Pants. Take that how you wish. You're probably right.

I'm working on a way to extradite him from my life. I'm hoping France or Mars or wherever he came from will ask for him back. Soon.

There are a few components that give cause for a label like Mr. Creepy pants.

1. Creepiness
2. Creepy conversation hog - "Enough about me, what do you think about me?"
3. A creepy love for haggis
4. Breath that smells creepy (probably from the haggis)
5. Overall creepy nature. (This is totally different from general creepiness BTW.)
6. Creepy finger snapping. I'm sorry, life is not one big poetry reading.

Any ideas on how to rid yourself of a Mr. Creepy pants?


Katester said...

Maybe . . . take off his pants?

Jon said...

I always offer a tic tack and say something like, "you're ccreepy and your breath smells like ass."

that's just me, good luck Champ!

Unknown said...

Did I miss the introduction of Mr. Creepy Pants? As in, "Hey did I mention that this guy likes me?" "Hey I am spending time with this guy, but I am not sure about him yet."

All I get is the "How do I get rid of him?"

Honesty..a big dose I say. "I don't want you around me."