Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ma Baba Babo nit noy ka

my dog is a little crazy. That’s what that means in Thai. And she is.

On another note my boss had a nice little chat with Jenni today when she came to pick me up. He asked her all kinds of questions about how she liked Thailand and if she had been anywhere else in Asia.

He was delighted to hear she had been to China, his homeland, and very interested in Burma. And then proceeded to tell her all about how his Dad grew up in Burma and then moved back to China at fourteen and how there used to be a very large population of Chinese in Burma…I have never heard him talk so much like that. He is usually really quick in his conversations with strangers but he was just so interested in Jenni’s travels. Even going so far as to tell her she should take me to Vietnam next time I am over there.

Oh Jaydubsies, what are we gonna do with you tho.

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