Saturday, November 17, 2007

Old man Sweeping the Diner

When we were kids Jenni and I shared a room. Here are some things I remember about that time:
  1. Placing masking tape directly in the middle of the room to separate sides.
  2. Convincing Jenni that we should stuff all of our mess from our room in the closet and clean it up later so we could go outside and play.
  3. Jenni had the habit of sleeping with her arm hanging off the bed with her palm up. I once put about 50 pennies in her hand one by one and then scrambled into my bed and waited for her to wake up.
  4. And last but not least I insisted that Jenni sing me to sleep every night. My favorite song was about an old man who would sweep up a diner every night. To this day we cannot for the life of us figure out how the song went. YOU WILL BE MY HERO IF YOU KNOW WHAT THAT SONG IS!!!!!

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