Thursday, November 30, 2006

Frostbite vs. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

My office temperature is like 10 degrees Fairenhieght and my toes might fall off, so naturally I turned on the heater. The heater we were told was broken and needed replaced, however the other day it turned on by itself so we thought "cool, it works now". Nay my friend. Apparently the fix-it guy got it to turn on but discovered it was emmiting Carbon Monoxide and then just didn't tell us.
If I am found sleeping at my desk don't worry about disturbing my nap, its not a nap, try to wake me up.
So here I sit, paranoid about Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and loosing the feeling in my feet by the second.


Katester said...

Oooh, if only you were sitting next to my carbon monoxide detector - I'm the safest one in the office since right next to that is the fire extinguisher.

Tamara said...

And the thing is I am really sleepy right now. I can't help but think, "Am I really sleepy because I am being poisoned by Carbon Monoxide or, am i really sleepy because I only had 4 hours of sleep last night?" Its a toss up.