Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Alright Katie. I will try too. NaBloPoMo

I had a funny Memory of Tiffany the otherday:

When I was about 6 I remember Tiffany running into the middle of the street by our house in front of my Mom driving and doing a sort of "neenerneeener"/ Shuffle Truffle thing. Her friend was over and they all laughed. I of course, being like any other 6 year old with an older sister, thought Tiffany was "so cool". So later in the day I saw who I thought was my Mom again (although her car was very visibly parked in the drive and she was inside and had been since Tiffany did the "neenerneeener"/ Shuffle Truffle thing) and promptly jumped out of some bushes and did the "neenerneeener"/ Shuffle Truffle thing only to halfway through the routine realise it was NOT my Mom and NOT a very pleased lady behind the wheel. Horrified of my mistake I did the only thing I could and leapt back into the bushes to hide from the shouting motorist. I will never forget the anger in her eyes and how she drove by in what I am sure was slow motion all the while saying something to the affect of "no, no, no, no no!" and shaking her finger at me.
I was apparently not as cool as Tiffany. There was no laughter in that lady's voice.


Jennifer said...

I totally remember that!

I think you ARE that cool!

Katester said...

NaBloPoMo . . . that's just fun to say.