Friday, October 13, 2006


My attitude stinks and it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Have you ever become the worst version of yourself. That a pandora's box of all the hate, spite and condecension has sprung open? Someone upsets you and instead of walking away... you zing them. "Hello it's Mr Nasty". I'm sure you have no idea what i'm talking about..."
(Tom Hanks as Joe Fox in You've got Mail)

Exactly, I think I do and I am right now. I hold grudges, and have a hard time letting things go. I am full of anger and spite but instead of zinging people I usually (there are some exceptions) just stuff it all inside and pretend like I don't despise certian persons... Don't get me wrong, its not all the time, but sometimes I am NOT slow to anger and I let people and their attitudes get to me. And at times I feel like I have become exactly what I hate.

I need to work on that but I am not sure of my gameplan yet.

So sorry if I have ever been a jerk to you, I am working on it.


Hilary said...

Not possible. You are never mean. Unless its undeniably necessary. Then you are a whirling tornado of anger, you get so angry.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid if I post with my real name, you'll beat me again, so I am posting anonymously. Tam, your violence scares me! Anytime I'm near you and you move your arm I flinch. I hope you get things under control because I'm a bit afraid for my life.

Yet through all the pain, I am still drawn to you. I can't totally grasp it, but somewhere inside you there is a love, a love I desire to share with you, hopefully someday I'll get the guts to tell you that. maybe.

Jennifer said...

Apparently sharing the same genes means that we both get annoyed easily...