Monday, October 23, 2006

The Characters

Partly because Lisa asked for an update(and I haven't sufficiently had time to think of anything witty or deep) and partly because Al made me think, I want to know who your favorite 80's TV show Character is and why.
I will start since I am asking...
Aside from the obvious choice of MacGyver for his innate sense of heroism and rugged handsome exterior, and ability to dismantle a bomb with a paperclip and credit card, my second choice would be:

Punky Brewster- Cute, Wholesome, great sense of shoe fashion I longed to copy as a kid, and her ability to find herself in some sort of trouble for every show yet somehow able to work it out by the end. It also helps that she had
Brandon the Wonder dog...


Lisa said...

Oh gracias. I'll have to think about my favorite for a bit...

Lisa said...

Ok... So Zack from Saved By The Bell is my favorite because what pre-teen girl in the 80's wasn't in love with Zack? Come on!

Anonymous said...

i would have to say either

mallory, from family ties cause though she was less than an intellectual, she had awesome fashion sense and a witty, woman of the world type attitude... or something.


evie from out of this world. as if having the ability to stop time AND keep up with a really attractive boyfriend/maintain a killer social life, the view from the house she lived in was awesome... the giant window right above the little glass ball thingie that was her "dad" or whatever (whom, i just discovered, was played by burt reynolds... oh burt!)

so, uh... yeah.

oh, and definitely punky b... but tam stole that one.
; ))))

Katester said...

The chick from Small Wonder. Half robot, half girl. I mean wow.