Monday, August 14, 2006

Reasons to Watch MacGyver

I have recently had a lot of people make fun of me for watching MacGyver.
Jenni is the best sister ever and bought me the whole series on DVD. Naturally, as with every series I get, I try to watch at least one episode when I get home from work so I can finish the series. People think this is a lot of MacGyver for one person, and maybe it is, but seriously, its MacGyver, the guy who can get out of any situation using his most powerful weapon... his brain (that was on the cover, I am not kidding)
Well the point is everyone can learn from MacGyver.
My recent lesson:
How to use your brain and two bobby pins to open a door and save the day just like you've seen Mac do tons of times. And it helps when no one, even yourself, believe you can actually do it, especially after you mention "I've seen MacGyver do it tons of times!"

"I shall forever go down in history as the (woman) who opened the door!"


Katester said...

Your coolness just went up by a factor of ten in my book, though I still think you need to tell the whole story.

Pam said...

Hilarious! I had to look at the cover a time or two just to be sure I was actually seeing what I was actually seeing.

We used to call Ryan's brother MacGyver....he always had a stick, string and rock in his pocket...which I usually found AFTER his pants had gone through the washing machine!