Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fed Ex hats are all the rage.

The Fed Ex guy, Matt, informed me yesterday that not ONLY is a Fed Ex envelope useful for shipping things, BUT it also doubles as a "Fabulous Hat". I would have to agree.


Katester said...

You are the funniest person I know.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I think your Fed-ex guy likes you. You should do the bend and snap next time he's around. And wear the hat, just so he knows you really liked it.

Tamara said...

FED EX guy does not like me and the thought of doing the bend and snap for him gives me the heebie jeebies.
Besides, he is happily married and has 5 dogs.
Nuff said.

Lisa said...

What about the UPS guy? Don't you have one of those? I find brown to be a very attractive color on hot delivery guys. Maybe it's the whole "man in uniform" thing. Wait...does a delivery uniform count for that? Hmmm... Anyway, love the hat! If I get a job soon, I might get to wear one!

Tamara said...

Oh yes, the UPS guy with the most incredible claves in the world. I know weird but seriously, the bottom half of his legs are amazing. I can't explain my obsession. It just is what it is....