Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Conversation with Jenni

For those of you who don't know, my sister Jenni teaches English to Thai College Students in Chiang Mai.
Here is a conversation I just had with her:

: today we were talking about names in my class and Dear asked what your full name was. i told him your middle name was Dawn and he asked if he could call you donkey as a nickname
it was Hilarious me: gasp!
you told him no right?
Jennifer: i told him yes he could call you donkey
i love dear
me: no!
Jennifer: and i love you my little donkey
me: you basically are calling me an ass
Jennifer: i know but he didn't realize that and it
made it even funnier
me: way to teach your students to cuss
Jennifer: i love language barriers
you're the one whose name sounds like donkey


Jennifer said...

I love you, my litte donkey!

Katester said...

ha! so can we all start calling you Ass Leeper?