Monday, September 17, 2007


I parked my car a couple Friday's ago and came out the next morning to discover someone had "rolled" into it. Awesome. I love that.
I say "rolled" because who can total a car by simply "rolling" into it? Oh right but I forgot, it was my fault because I parked so close (and by close I of course mean at least a foot and a half away). How silly of me to assume that people know how to drive.
So now I am waiting on insurance to tell me officially that it is totaled and write me a check so that I can have yet another bill in the form of a car payment.
Did I mention I love that?


Anonymous said...

yikes - really and truly totalled? they must have been rolling pretty darn fast! what a drag :-(

how are you getting around in the meantime?

Tamara said...

If by total you mean the insurance doesn't want to pay for it then yes, truly totaled. In all honesty the girl caused about $4,000 worth of damage. She rolled back into my car during the evening sometime and buckled the hood a bit, pushed the lights out, smashed the grill, pulled my license plate half off, crunched the frame, put a hole in the bumper and punctured the radiator. Basically the whole front of the car would have to be replaced. And that is only what they could see! Nice roll huh? The best part is that she was a total snot about the whole thing and SHE is the one that totaled MY car. Sheesh people, come on!
I was driving my awesome friend Hilary's car for a week (she was sharing with me- so nice of her) and now I am in a rental. OOo! but the rental only had 69 miles on it when I got it! Its a Mazda 3. Pretty cool little car...