Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I want to curse the girl who hit my parked car with flat tires for a year, but that would be wrong.
I don't have time to deal with this crap.
Anybody want to give me a car? or perhaps some sort of free transportation that will not leave me exhausted after getting up the Laurel "hill"?


Unknown said...

I have no car to give, but one to share. I'd be glad to give you rides to work and/or home as needed.

Shawn Passwaters said...

I am reminded of the movie Anchorman. The scene where the woman's voice is overdubbed: "While they were out grab-assing, I was following leads and practicing my Non-Regional Diction."

I don't know what she feared, but I just was not Caucasoid enough for her. I'm glad you're delighted I'm back. Happy to be back.

I like your post. It sounds like you want to curse a girl for a year who was driving a car with flat tires that hit you.

I kept thinking, "It sounds as if she's already been cursed. California makes EVERYONE snap eventually. Even that sweet little Tamara-girl. Damn."

Tamara said...

To clarify- I only wish she has flat tires for a year. She didn't when she hit my car. Her personality was lacking fluffy air but not her tires...

Shawn Passwaters said...

hahaaaa...i know. i just read it weird. i got it on the fifth read through. it was a long day! :D

Anonymous said...

Problem solved! Wahoo for borrowed money! Can't wait to see your little Chip-pers!