Monday, December 11, 2006

Anne with an "E"

Ever since I was a kid I have loved the "Anne of Green Gables" movies but could never actually get through the first pages of the book. It sat on my bookcase for years and now I am not sure that it is even there still. Last night I discovered a free podcast of the reading of it and decided that I would try listening to it instead. In case you were wondering, it is going much better than me reading it did (strange because I love to read, just don't give myself the time to). So far it is pretty good but sometimes the readers are really annoying.
Anyway my point in this post is to ask you a question that Anne asked Mathew on their way to Green Gables,
"Which would you rather be if you had the choice? Divinley Beautiful, Dazzilingly Clever, or Angelically good?"


Pam said...

I am too old to make decisions...can I bet a little bit of all 3? Please??

Lisa said...

Dazzilingly long as that doesn't mean I have to be ugly, or evil. Being clever can make up for some lack of beauty or goodness. Especially goodness. If you're really can get yourself out of almost anything. Muah ha ha ha!

Jennifer said...

Dazzlingly clever...

It is amazing how Anne makes you think. I am on the 4th book now and I have actually underlined several paragraphs in each book because I find Anne so inspiring. Rachel told that I am a little too hardcore about the books. :) Keep listening because they are all really good and totally different than the movies.

I can't wait to see you!

sknaB nolA said...

I already am Dazzilingly Clever :)