Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Question of the Day

If a movie were made about you and your life or at least a portion of your life what songs would be in the soundtrack? List five.....And I want participation people!

My soundtrack would include (Okay I did six- I mean seven):
  1. Sisters, Sisters- (form White Christmas) it would be sung by the actors who play myself and Jenni, while trying to dance....
  2. We are Going to be Friends- Jack Johnson for when I was a kid and Nicole and I used to go on adventures and cause trouble.
  3. Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World- Israel Kamakawiwo'ole for Tiffany's death.
  4. Dreams- The Cranberries, because they have always been a favorite and would just fit with my soundtrack.
  5. Landslide- Fleetwood Mac, just because I love that song....
  6. And a couple Michael Jackson songs for memory sake:
    1. Thriller- Lisa and I dancing and jumping on couches, sorry mom
    2. P.Y.T.- Hilary's Version- If you don't know it you should ask. Think Julie Andrews.
Now its your turn! At least FIVE!


Tamara said...

I forgot to add everybodyduck too.....

Lisa said...

You know I'm horrible with remebering songs, but...

1. "Everybody Dance Now": So appropriate for my late elementary/jr. high days
2. Anything from Mariah Carey's early years. I used to LOVE her!
3. "Dying in the Sun": for memories with Tam.
4. "Over My Head" by Starfield: One of my very favorites
5. "Awaken", by Natalie Grant because it's so incredibly fun to sing!

Katester said...

I need to be at home in front of my music collection. This could take some time. A life soundtrack is not something to be taken lightly!