Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wendy's Forehead

In recent conversation with "the girls" it came to light that when Wendy was a kid she always thought that "forehead" was "four head" and actually had to do with the finger width of your, uh, well, forehead. So to her there were not only such things as "four heads" but also "three heads", "five heads", and theoretically even "six heads".
I love Wendy's stories! She always keeps me on my toes!
For future reference ladies and gentlemen, I have a "three head".

In other news, yesterday I informed Faith that the universal peace symbol with the dove, the dove is carrying a feather. uhhhh you know, since a feather would obviously inform Noah that there was dry land. At least I knew it was a leafy/feathery looking thing....Wow.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You're a quick one. Maybe you should be a better Christian and spend a little more time reading your Bible! Ha ha, j/k.

BTW, I do indeed have a "four head".