Friday, September 15, 2006

Her intentions fall to the floor.

I had every intention last night of going home, cooking dinner, and cleaning my apartment.

Instead I went shopping, bought food, and stayed up until midnight while Kim and I perused through my wardrobe and tried nearly everything I own on. At which point I realized it was midnight and I should probably get back to cleaning my room instead of making it more of a disaster.

“Could I be wearing anymore clothes?!”
Joey- Friends (for a better effect hold the “e” sound on “be” a second longer than normal)


Katester said...

This is why I miss roommates!

Shawn Passwaters said...

And Ernie and I were going to mow the lawn this evening, because there was no youth group tonight.

She's asleep on the couch and I'm watching the Simpsons. The lawn looks like a vacant lot. I really don't know if the lawn mower can even cut it now.
