Thursday, May 22, 2008

Andy's #1

For the last two years I have had the pleasure of spending an evening every month with four of the most amazing women ever. We cook together, sip amazing drinks and talk about everything from scandalous shoes to dogs to what ever crazy things have occurred in our lives in the last month.

Last night was our night and somehow the night turned into something I think none of us expected, a "makeunder" for Erin. I don't know how it happened, perhaps a little margarita and a bit of pure genius, but Erin ended up with definite Polygamist hairstyle. Of course she was very humble in taking the role and graciously let me take pictures. I took it upon myself to un-groom her brows to make her Wife #1 material. I really think it works for her...The earrings are so unholy though.


Lisa said...

You should post a pic of the real ones too...just so you can see what an AWESOME job you did "unmakeovering" her!

susan m said...

and photoshop in a whole pack o' kids...

Anonymous said...

I would say Wife #1 is getting a bit wild with the ear bobs....maybe husband of all will have to speak to her about that.
