Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Things I have done to give myself a break at work:
  • sketched a beard on a picture of myself that already looked dangerously male
  • made a cardboard mask of a picture of Allie, the receptionist's face and walked around the office as her.
  • printed out head shots of Allie, instructed her to sign them with flare and handed them out to unsuspecting office workers
  • filled out mad libs
  • streached a tape measure out to its breaking limit and poked at someones head until they freaked out
  • had a race down the hall, down the stairs, down the other hall and back to see who could get the best time
  • practiced Tai Chi
Anyone else have any confessions?


Lisa said...

Sweet! You entertain yourself so much more funly than I do!

Pam said...

your office sounds like alot more fun than mine...I looked at pictures in a book about turtles...did 6 SUDOKU puzzles...and folded 2 origami projects.

Anonymous said...

umm, it kind of sounds like as soon as you're bored at work, you get reeeaaaaally obsessed with this allie person. she must be reeeaaaaaally cool or awesome or wonderful or hilarious or something.

but when i get bored at work, i just head over to the nut shop where it's fun.

Katester said...

What I did at work today:

*slept until 10 a.m.
*had lunch with a friend and solved all the world's problems
*went shopping and found many, many sale items
*shouted with glee for said sale items
*drank coffee and read in bookstore
*gave coffee to boyfriend
*kissed said boyfriend goodnight

Oh wait, I must be confusing myself with you, whereas I actually did all those on my DAY OFF. ;)

Tamara said...

And you Katie, have room to talk because you do not make faux flyers advertising Amor trips as poop parties. "Party in the pants..." LOL