Monday, June 07, 2010

3 wishes

Today I asked my lovely coworkers if they had three wishes what would they be. Steph thinks for a while and gives me a list. Then after hearing our wishes she submits a change in her wishes. First on her list Steph says, "I want a magic house."
After laughing and then laughing and then crying laughing she refuses to tell me the reason. Then I receive the following email:

Dear Tamara,

I thank you for the opportunity the explain my wish. My intent in sending this email is to hopefully allow you to see the wonders of a magical house & cause you to use one of your wishes for one too.

Reasons I would like a magical house:

1. Self-cleaning

2. Five star magical pantry & kitchen

3. Magic doors that lead to wonderful places like Hogwarts, the Shire, and Barnes & Noble.

4. Magical mirrors (inserted after requesting and explanation of this one, "They are the windows to the world")

5. Magical rooms like the one in Spy Kids.




Lisa said...

My 3 wishes:

1. The ability to stop time and "unfreeze" people to hang out with me while time is stopped.

2. The ability to use cheats from The Sims in real life. Such as unlimited cash flow by typing "!1!1!1".

3. My own magical house similar to Stephanie's. Although mine would also include a perfect spouse. :)

Tamara said...

mine were:
1. To be able to apparate and disaparate like Harry Potter.
2. To be able to hear things and read things quickly and completely understand and remember everything.
3. as Steph would say "to be rich beyond my wildest dreams" LOL