Monday, October 27, 2008


I feel like I am being crushed and compacted into an unemotional puppet. Everything I say can and will be invalidated.
I tread with caution.


Lisa said...

There are four basic emotions that a human can express. They are: fear, anger, sadness, and joy. In order for an individual to function adequately, s/he must be able to express these emotions freely in a healthy way. The ability to manage and utilize one's emotions in a beneficial manner is not often sufficiently learned in the developmental years. However, with focussed attention to one's inner world and the outward expression of the happenings there, one can begin to recognize one's emotions as beneficial and useful in processing the ebbs and flows of life. This process should not be hindered nor terminated.

Unknown said...

Leesie was profound. I am just gonna say that I come Friday, if you need me.

Lisa said...

Ha ha ha...thanks Wendy! I was trying to sound smart. Did it work?

Unknown said...

Yes, brilliant

Jennifer said...

if probably doesn't make you feel any better, but i'm dealing with the same crap over here in thailand, assuming you are talking about what i think you are talking about. so, you're not alone and i love you lots!